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Congratulations Dr. MacLean

J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) would like to congratulate Dr. David MacLean on his retirement from UNB. Dr. MacLean is widely recognized as an expert in spruce budworm and a number of other areas of forest ecology – and equally known for his abilities in collaboration and organization of complex research programs. Most recently he has led the five-year New Brunswick Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy and is currently involved in efforts to obtain federal government support for a second phase. Dr. MacLean has participated in the JDI Forest Research Advisory Committee (FRAC) since it began in 1998 and has served as Chair for the last 15 years. This group helps JDI by addressing forest ecology research questions leading to improved sustainable forest management. Through these efforts, over 30 graduate students, including seven PhDs, have been trained, working on FRAC identified research projects which Dr. MacLean has led. He continues to lead a five-year project looking at landscape level assessment of the JDI Black Brook district for important ecological and societal non-timber values. 

Song Bird Study



JDI has partnered with Natural Resources Canada, Carleton University, and Environment and Climate Change Canada on a 5-year songbird habitat research project on JDI land in Northern New Brunswick.
Researchers are collecting songbird data with auto-acoustic recording devices. During the breeding season in May and June of 2016, 323 sites were monitored across 17 different forest types and age classes. The recordings are being analyzed by bird experts or in some cases by sound recognition software to determine songbirds present at specific GPS locations. Researchers also have access to JDI’s enhanced, high resolution mapping of the entire forest study area for a range of forest structure metrics generated through LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology. The songbird data is then used along with the forest structure metrics at the location as well as in the surrounding forest area to build habitat models for individual species. Model results can then be projected across the entire landscape.

Bryophyte Study




Bryophytes are moss or ground vegetation that grow in our forests. Growth of bryophytes in the forest is evidence of a healthy and growing forest. JDI is teamed up with Université de Quebec en Abitibi Témiscamingue to sample and monitor the growth of bryophytes on JDI's freehold land. The study involves sampling every bryophyte species that are found within a designated area, which will determine favorable stands for bryophyte growth. 

Deer Study


JDI, in partnership with University of New Brunswick, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, U Maine, Cooperative Forest Research Unit, Government of New Brunswick, University of New Hampshire, Natural Resources Canada and Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) are in the process of studying white-tailed deer in the province of New Brunswick and the State of Maine. The study will give a better understanding of deer survival, movement and their use of the forest. 



CAST (Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow) is a partnership of scientists, environmental groups, industry and government. The focus is on saving Atlantic salmon before it is too late. It is hoped that CAST will serve as a positive partnership model for Eastern Canada’s wild Atlantic salmon rivers. CAST partners include the Government of Canada, the Province of New Brunswick, the University of New Brunswick, the Canadian Rivers Institute, the Miramichi Salmon Association, Cooke Aquaculture and J.D. Irving, Limited. For more information about CAST research and partners:  

Bird Studies Canada at Irving Nature Park


The Irving Nature Park in Saint John, New Brunswick, in partnership with Bird Studies Canada and Acadia University, is part of the largest study ever undertaken on bird migration in Canada.

Greenhouse Gasses


Working with Dr. Chris Hennigar and the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick produced a first-of-its-kind report on the carbon balance of JDI woodlands and forest products operations - tracking our carbon footprint from seedling to store shelf.  This work has been internationally published.
The two-year study, found that the forests we grow and manage will sink (absorb versus emit) about 92 million tonnes of carbon dioxide over the next 50 years. That's equal to 18.4 million cars off the road for one year.