Take Our Kids to Work Day 2016
J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) is proud to be continuously involved in the annual Take Our Kids to Work Day. On November 2nd, 2016, JDI welcomed over 125 grade nine students to experience diverse workplaces of our operations.
More than 250,000 students partake in this program every year, experiencing “a day in the life” of their potential profession.
Take Our Kids to Work is a signature, annual event supported by The Learning Partnership. It is a program in which Grade 9 (or equivalent) students are hosted by parents/guardians at workplaces across the country every November. The program initially began in 1994 in the Greater Toronto area. Students from all across Canada now partake in this program, from Nunavut to Newfoundland.
The Take Our Kids to Work program supports career development by helping students connect school with the work world, encouraging them to think about their futures and make good, educational decisions. The program opens the eyes of young individuals, giving them the opportunity to explore career options in a practical, hands-on manner.
“We are very excited to meet all the grade nine students we have joining us today. Part of the great benefit of this program is the fact that they get to see the many opportunities that are available throughout JDI. Most of the time people don’t realize all the careers to pursue with us. There are so many opportunities and this is a great way for them to be exposed to that,” said Katelyn Smith, Talent Acquisition Administrator.
Jenna Legge, Kennebecasis Valley High School student thought it was great getting to see what her dad does for a living.
“I really enjoyed getting to see what the company is all about, what my dad does here, and getting to experience what it’s like day-to-day in a workplace.”
Take Our Kids to Work is helping shape Canada’s future workforce by benefiting not only the students, but the teachers, schools, parents, and organizations as well.
JDI hires over 600 students and more than 200 are paid co-op students from universities and colleges. Take Our Kids to Work exposes students to the available opportunities within the JDI operations.
Learn more about the Take Our Kids to Work program and The Learning Partnership.
Student tours, scholarships, equipment donations, case competitions co-ops, and apprenticeships are all part of our educational partnerships.
Here’s our future hiring forecast:
Across our organization, the operations with the highest job opportunities include retail business, manufacturing operations, shipbuilding, supply chain, logistics, and engineering.
Between 2016 and 2018, we’re forecasted to hire almost 7900 individuals, 89% of these positions being in the Atlantic provinces. As part of this, we will welcome over 2,000 internship and co-op work terms!
To learn about current and future JDI opportunities, visit our careers page.