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Study ALL Chemicals, ALL Uses on ALL New Brunswick Land

Study ALL Chemicals, ALL Uses on ALL New Brunswick Land


J.D. Irving, Limited is calling for a review of all chemicals used on all NB land.


The current political debate targets one chemical, one industry. The chemical is commonly known as Round Up and the targeted industry is forestry which employs over 20,000 hardworking New Brunswickers. It is used a maximum of twice in 40 years in forestry on planted areas only. 


96% of glyphosate used in Canada is in agriculture. It can be bought in many hardware stores and it is approved by Health Canada. 


Most farmers, golf courses and homeowners don’t have to register the type or volume of chemicals used. Forestry does.


How can glyphosate be OK on over 100 food crops but not on trees? It doesn’t make sense. So why are some political parties just targeting one sector?


We would hope that public policy in New Brunswick would be guided by Health Canada recommendations.


It’s time to take the politics out of spraying and rely on science.




CONTACT:           Mary Keith


                             VP Communications


                             J.D. Irving, Limited


                             (506) 632-5122 office


                             (506) 650-8209 cell