Statement from Irving Shipbuilding
We fully respect all journalists’ responsibility to ask questions. Irving Shipbuilding has given dozens of interviews and has invited media to the shipyard on several occasions.
We also believe that all responsible reporters have an obligation to provide us with a fair opportunity to respond to stories involving our company before they are published.
Facts are important.
When reporters appear to be relying on information that we know is not accurate, and may be part of a proposed story, we will issue the communication that is necessary in the circumstances to ensure accuracy.
In two recent cases we did advise reporters that we would pursue legal action because we knew the reporters had highly inaccurate information that would cause our company, and the reputation of our hardworking employees, considerable reputational damage. We advised the reporters that we would pursue legal action only as a last resort. This is the exception, not the norm.
We value our reputation and the truth.
Sean Lewis
Director Communications
Irving Shipbuilding
(902) 484-4595