Irving Woodlands Continues to Support the Wostawea Cross Country Ski Club of Fredericton
We continue to support the Wostawea Cross Country Ski Club of Fredericton, New Brunswick in local trail improvement.
Wostawea was founded in the fall of 1973. Its first newsletter explained that Wostawea means “snowy” or “snow-covered” in the Mi’kmaw language. In its first decade, the Club focused primarily on the creation and maintenance of trails in the area, and skill development and training of both new and veteran skiers. Since then, the Club has grown to include the Jackrabbit program for children, adult lessons, a ski team, and a program to teach skiing to new Canadians, in addition to its ongoing mandate to promote a safe skiing experience and to foster a friendly vibe.
In 2020, at the Club's request, Irving Woodlands provided spruce trees, which were planted by dedicated volunteers, to establish a wind break at a particularly exposed section of trail. This past October, we supplied an excavator to smooth excessive ruts which had prevented the Club from grooming one of their most important access trails. Improvement to trail drainage and the removal of minor obstructions was performed at the same time, which will allow the Club's trail groomers to maintain the trails with greater ease.
Wostawea is supported by a vibrant team of volunteers. The trails have been much-loved outdoor places for many of our employees and their children. We are pleased to support the dedicated Wostawea volunteers in their efforts to improve this wonderful outdoor experience. Below is a side-by-side of a portion of the trail before and after our trail improvements. We hope to continue our support in the coming years of this great outdoor Club!