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Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is April 22, 2019 and to celebrate, we are sharing some environmental highlights from our businesses.  Air, land and water are areas where the JDI team works every day to reduce our environmental footprint. Below are some of the efforts and results:


  • Since 1990, our Pulp and Paper operations have reduced their carbon footprint by 55%.  This puts us amongst top performers in North America and exceeds the target set by the Government of Canada and the Paris Climate Change Accord.
  • Today renewable green energy sources account for 59% of the fuel used at our pulp, paper and tissue mills as well as our sawmills.
  • A recent $30 million investment at Lake Utopia Paper near St. George, N.B. earned the team the 2019 Industry Excellence Award in Environmental Stewardship from Natural Resources magazine.The new environmental treatment facility turns organic waste into clean burning biogas. This green energy replaces the use of fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25%. Check out the video here:

  • This year we will plant 19.2 million trees – Nature’s air filters.  Over the next 50 years growing trees on the lands we manage will absorb over 92 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.  That’s equal to 350,000 cars off the road each year for the next 50 years.
  • NBM Railways have achieved a 31.4% improvement in fuel efficiency (2015-2018) – reducing fossil fuel consumption by over 13 million litres.
 Lake Utopia - Earth Day 2019



Habitat research and conservation is a priority for our Woodlands team.  From birds to deer, moose and wild Atlantic salmon, over $1.5 million a year is being invested to work with dozens of scientists on research projects.  

 Moose Study Video:



 CAST Website:

  • Conservation sites have risen to over 1500 today.
  • A 42% reduction in total waste between 2013 and 2018 has been achieved by our forest products operations.
  • Every year the forests we own or manage in Maine and the Maritimes undergo audits by 3rd party experts.  Woodlands are measured on a total of 145 criteria that include the environment, community and business.  These audits are about being accountable - making sure that we're taking care of our communities, providing jobs, and that we're also taking care of the environment. It's about ensuring sustainability for future generations.
  • ZERO non-compliance issues is our focus.  Here are the 2018 results:
 NB Natural Resources Audit  0 non-compliances
 Outcome Based Forestry Audit in Maine  0 non-compliances
 Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)  0 non-compliances
 Forest Stewardship Council (Maine)  0 non-compliances
 International Standards Organization (ISO) 140001  0 non-compliances


 Moose - Earth Day 2019



Atlantic Towing Limited (ATL) recently expanded its marine mammal awareness program and training to safeguard all endangered marine mammal populations living in areas where we operate. Each vessel in ATL's fleet - tugboat or offshore vessel - is equipped with a copy of A Mariner's Guide to Whales in the Northwest Atlantic, a guidebook that helps crew members identify and steer clear of whales, dolphins and other marine mammals they might encounter while at-sea. This training helps our mariners protect key populations like the Southern Resident Killer Whales - one of the most thoroughly studied whales in the world that are endangered.

 Atlantic Towing - Whale - Earth Day 2019


Mary Keith

Vice President Communications

J.D. Irving, Limited
Phone: (506) 650-8209 or (506) 632-5122
