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Careers in Motion at JDI

JDI Integrated Logistics is currently seeking business graduates to join the Logistics Development Program in January 2014.

Transportation is more than just trains, planes, and trucks; it is a full array of supply chain management with many different professional career opportunities. JDI Integrated Logistics can provide practical, on-the-job experience in a professional business environment.

Our program is specifically designed to accelerate participants through mentorship, career planning, and internal training programs (Lean, Six Sigma, CITT).

“I have been in the Logistics Leadership Development Program for 18 months now.  Working through the various transportation companies within JDI Integrated

Logistics has given me an overall view of the logistics industry, " said Sarah Winchester, Logistics Development Program employee.

Sarah has a business degree from UNB Saint John.  After graduation she started working at JDI Logistics; she then moved to RST Sunbury with the pricing and analytics group. Today she is with Atlantic Towing working in the business improvement sector, becoming certified in Six Sigma Lean methodology.

"I would strongly recommend this program and career path to anyone looking for a rewarding and exciting career in Atlantic Canada,” Sarah said.

If you are looking for a rewarding, challenging career in a growth industry, [click here] to learn more.